Monday, December 15, 2014

MEDSOLIS, Inc, a US based healthcare company and Advanz101 have partnered to develop new products

MEDSOLIS, Inc, a US based healthcare company and Advanz101 have partnered to develop new products for the health care market. Under the terms of the agreement, Advanz101 will invest in MEDSOLIS’ product development to facilitate faster time to market of MEDSOLIS products. MEDSOLIS product suite consists of care management, patient engagement and physician communication products to enable delivery of value based health services. MEDSOLIS products are cloud based web applications along with smart device modules and remote biometric monitors. This partnership will result in joint office locations in Dallas & San Jose in the US and development centers in Pune and Indore in India.

MEDSOLIS, Inc is a Healthcare software products company that is focused on creating a collaborative platform for consumer management. Committed to simplicity and innovation, MEDSOLIS is developing products to enhance clinician and consumer engagement by combining proven care coordination practices with the latest technology coupled with recent industry changes. 

Increase in consumer ownership will be a determining factor to address many of the healthcare industry challenges, including avoidable 30 day readmissions and management of chronically ill individuals for ACOs and Payers. MEDSOLIS believes that the industry cost and the technology curve, aided by regulatory forces, have reached a tipping point to make this elusive goal a reality, and is committed to deliver easy to use, action oriented technology products to achieve that goal. 

About ADVANZ101
ADVANZ101 is a MR Reporting software and Software for pharma services company that provides solutions to Business Intelligence challenges faced by small, medium and large businesses.  ADVANZ101 has a team of professionals with expertise in Sugarcrm custom apps and Custom application development, project management, CRM, BI, Mobile field force reporting software and Mobile application development and Data integration. Over the years, ADVANZ101 has worked with partners and customers to ensure the utmost customer satisfaction by providing pro-active customer support and quality services.
Any successful partnership requires a shared vision and utilization of the strengths of the partners to achieve the defined objectives. ADVANZ101's technical expertise in Java technology stack, functional knowledge in Customer Service, Fmcg software for sales, HR and its commitment to excellence  will complement MEDSOLIS's efforts in building an innovative Healthcare software product

Friday, November 21, 2014

Is CRM A Game Changer In Sales Organizations Of Small And Medium Businesses?

When it comes to management in a sales organization, a right and related CRM plays a vital role in the overall development. Over the time the working of the organizations has changed considerably and it has carved a deep impact in the overall management and the working of the firm. A lot of things depend on the performance and the operations now days that have a huge impact on the sales figures. No organization wants to lag behind from the respective competition and they are now in the queue to use the best CRM that gives technical complexities an ease while aiding in the working of the expensive and huge infrastructures the organizations have. Software for pharma and customized fmcg software for sales helps the technicians to manage the load and the working in accordance to the available resources that aids them to perform the best.

The right CRM with customized ERP helps the organization in various ways. They help in using all the available data in a correct manner and it is further processed in a systematic way to get the most of it. The time is usually saved over the traditional ways as the data processing is done in a considerably less time and it aids in more efficiency. Further all the application and the online management insures that links to the head offices are maintained on the regular and timely basis insuring no information is lost. With our sugarcrm custom apps, all the related data is monitored on the latest basis and is further analyzed in an efficient manner to get the most out of it. All together, it not only helps you to learn new things, it makes the existing system work on its full glory.

When the workings of the CRM and the Business Intelligence are combined, they help the organization in a way that it gets benefitted in a long and short term both. This directly has an impact on the sales of the particular organization as the whole management is done in a smooth and productive manner.
  • It Helps You Get Organized
All the data is handled in a manner that leads to full information. The information thus is rightly used where it’s needed and all the details are maintained on a single platform. This makes it a lot easier to fetch the data and it avoids the wastage of time.
  • It Makes Things Easy
When the data is on the higher side, it gets very difficult to remember which data belongs to which segment. CRM not only arranges the data in a manner that makes the working easy, but it also helps you to process it accordingly.
  • It Helps Nurture Client Relationship
The sales of the organization depend on the client base it has. If the organization is not having the right relationship and the communication with its client base, it can be impossible for it to forecast their needs and demands. The CRM insures that you remember all the necessary details about the clients, and their problems, if they have any, are solved on timely basis. It also further helps you to streamline the whole sales process from start till the end where you get exact information about the deals.
  • It Helps You Automate
CRM automates the whole process where the organization works. It includes automation of the mails and reports that are the part of the management and the clients. Further you can send reminders and manage leads in a lot more efficient way using the tools the CRM has on offer.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Can Actionable Reports Improve The Productivity Of A Pharmaceutical Company's Sales Force?

Pharmaceutical companies depend a lot upon the actionable reports that they need from time to time. These reports not only help them to get the details on the working, but they also help them to forecast the decision and making the necessary changes in the current ones. Building a report on the specific sales force that too on the predefined time period can be quite a tedious job and you need a proper channel of communication and the knowledge to come out with the same. There are many people in the company who are directly and indirectly connected to the buyers of the products and taking care of which segment has which product demand plays a crucial role. Over the period of time, this forecasting and report making proves complex as being the Pharmaceutical Company, it becomes important to share a right relationship with the buyers and having a proper channel of interaction within the organization where it is connected to the buyer. This is where the role of SFA with dedicated software for pharma comes into play where all the related information is handled according to the data needed and you get the reports derived from the well managed data that gives you the correct information about the products, buyers and the organization.

The right SFA helps you to gain control on the data and helps you filter out the right and the needed information. This also involves perfect understanding with the management team involved and thus you get the transparency about all the related information. Every Pharmaceutical organization needs to work on the data in a way that it gets all the right info about the working and management within the workforce. The dedicated FMCG software for sales of the related product keeps the time and cost in check and maintains a proper balance within the management and the working thereby helping in the real time information that is often required to further work the data in order to gain control over forecasts. Business Intelligence is nowadays having immense impact on the working of the pharma companies and many find them handicapped if they are not equipped with the right one. It not only brings the transparency in the working of the organization, but it also makes the management work in an efficient and lot easier manner where the decisions are made in a better way for the betterment of the company’s future.

With sugarcrm custom apps and customized ERP you can push the development of your Pharmaceutical to new heights. The SFA helps you to take business decisions in an agile and efficient way that gives you a clean insight on maintaining and applying the decision which gathering the required information across all the channels in the workflow of the company. This gives you an error free working throughout the process. It gives you a clear edge over the competitors as you get to work in a much efficient manner where loads of data is handling with error free distribution and operation giving you a competitive edge. It helps you with the operation and sales and gives you the needed push in increasing the sales by understanding the client’s demands. With the nest SFA you could get your hands on, we help you to get the desired sales you want by bridging the gap between the raw data and the workflow. By using the best of business intelligence, our SFA gives you a clear edge over the competitors where your work is done in a very efficient manner, thereby saving you a lot of time and resources. This in turn aids a lot in the overall sales of the organization. 

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

SFA For South African Pharma Companies

Every pharma organisation needs a workforce that’s efficient and is highly productive. An organisation cannot survive today without the aid of the Business Intelligence and from the several options of software for pharma and fmcg software for sales that are available for the organisations, you must opt for the one that suits your needs the most. The South African pharmaceutical market was estimated at $3.8 billion in 2011, and is expected to reach at $7 billion in 2018. That growth is combined with an annual growth of 9.2% with Compound rate. This software not only helps you to run an efficient workforce but is designed keeping in mind the growth and the past pharma market in south Africa. They also aid in several workings of the Pharma Companies. The dedicated MR Reporting software helps you to manage inventories in an efficient way thereby giving you help and growth of the Company. The main components of the SFA are as follows:

  • The sales reports are generated on daily basis.
  • Option of the statement for both stocks and sales.
  • Calculation of individual expenses.
  • Alerts can be customized according to the importance.
  • Comes with a mobile application.
  • Tracking can be done with the onboard CRM.
A highly motivated and performing sales force is the backbone of every company. As they contribute a lot in the company’s success. A customized ERP that helps them along is an absolute must for the growth too. Today’s competitive world is lot more fierce and has customers who are demanding and they call for deals that are dynamic. The salesperson of the company need to be attentive and if he has the right customized ERP and software solution to back him up with, he can do wonders for the company. The Sales Force Automation (SFA) software takes care of every need and is an accurate online solution for the pharma companies.

Advantages of the SFA:The SFA solution that we have can be used and enabled both offline and online. This gives you a flexibility to use according to your liking.
  • The easy interface helps you to increase the acceptance across all user levels and it has reporting formats like the paper reporting for the web that replicates the work.
  • It helps you to market in a focussed way and allows doctors to map the products.
  • It shows comprehensive and detailed information about the doctors and lists out the products that are available. This gives MR an edge to increase the overall productivity for the company in terms of sales.
The sugarcrm custom apps comes with the Mobilefield force reporting software that helps the sales force in the sales and the management area giving them ease of working and an overall  Effective Sales Process.

Benefits of the SFA:
  • Collection of all the data and then processing it in a systematic way.
  • The time taken to process the data is considerably less and results in less efforts and more efficiency.
  • No need to send the DCR’s to the respective Head Offices as it’s done directly by the apps and the mailings.
  • The data is analyzed on the latest basis and all the activities of the field are monitored in an effective and efficient manner.
  • Management of the relations with the doctors with all the respective updated data.
  • The products can be targeted after systematic identification for the doctor and the marketing need.
  • The workings of the MRs can be tracked and analysed in respect to the deviations and the orders that’s been made by them.
The working of the sales team now depends a lot on the CRM. A right Sales Force Automation can do wonders for your organization if it’s set up right. It not only allows you to build new accounting relations, but it also lets you manage the old one with easiness and efficiency. The customer information is maintained in a right order and you identification of the leads and future stages in the sales opportunities can be tracked and worked upon. The right SFA leads the sales and the management team alike and helps them predict the expectations of the customer and their buying behaviour and helping them to forecast revenues

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Business Intelligence (BI) For Middle East Pharma Companies

Middle East is growing rapidly when it comes to the pharma industries and has shown a tremendous development over the last few years. The pharma companies have to deal with the data on the life sciences that can get quite big and are the backbone of the pharma business. To manage this data you need an efficient Business Intelligence that not only manages it taking into consideration every business aspect but also helps you in the determination of success and failure. The data hold a lot of information and should be exploited in an effective way so as to make all the right analytics work into the favour of the company along with the objectives that complaint with the growth and the overall sales. To achieve the success in the pharma field and generate revenue you need right softwarefor pharma along with the Mobilefield force reporting software and we help you to find all answers and give you solutions that gives you what you look for. With us you can:
  • Helps you into the transformation of sales and operations.
  • Increased efficiency in sales and marketing tactics along with the better strategy planning.
  • Better product approval workflow along with the management of the data.
  • Reduction in costs and time savings.
  • Helps in the reduction of risks and gives you a better view on the management with better handling of data.
We help you establish a better understanding with the management along with the transparency in the information and the data involved. The pharma industry needs to maintain its working and ability on timely basis and our BI and fmcg Software for sales helps to churn out the real time information with accurate p recession at every phase of the sales and production. Business Intelligence now is the most essential part of the Pharma Industry in the east as it helps in the information transparency amongst the project managers and helps them at every stage in making better decisions along with the senior managers in the development of the company’s future. Our BI helps you in the following areas:
  1. Agile Business Decisions:
    Pharma industry involves complex data and with our customizedERP, sugarcrmcustom apps and Business Intelligence, you can make valuable decisions and working patterns quite easily. It helps you in the gathering, maintaining, categorizing and distributing the data in the workflow within the pharma company. It leaves no room for error which helps you in the seamless business operations.
  1. Helps you to remain competitive:The Business Intelligence helps you a lot when you wish to stay ahead of the competition. As Pharma industry is growing and getting bigger day by day, the technology plays a vital role in the development and the research perspective. It helps you in the management of the operations and directs your sales to ensure you achieve the target and fulfil the need of your clients.
  1. Improvement in Sales:The role of the raw and the customer data plays a vital role in the Pharma industry. With the use of Business Intelligence you can seamlessly accommodated the entire data in your workflow in order to manage the entire working in a very efficient manner. This improves the overall sales as the operations become effective.

  1. Better Customer Relations:As the management of the company is done in a better way, you are able to give flawless services to your clients which in turn results in the customer loyalty. The BI helps you to track the customer problems, their needs and choices. The growth of the company depends on the fact that how it is in tune with its client base.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Myths around Business Intelligence

Business intelligence has been around for many years, but for many, business intelligence(BI) is just a reporting tool; BI is much more than that. There are other various myths circulating around BI that many owners are not clear as to what is right or wrong about reporting. We tried to list some of the common myths that we have heard :

1. Reporting = Business Intelligence : Just running static report is not business intelligence. It can be one BI model but there are several more. Timely alerts (daily/hourly or at the time of events) is a good model to delivery intelligence out of data. Dash boarding with a user friendly view of KPIs is the most widely used form of business intelligence - dashboards give a quick view of important metrics. Dashboards can be used to drill down from any KPI and get into the granular level of metrics. Self service ad hoc reporting, which is generally used by super users, is another way to go beyond traditional business intelligence reporting and get a lot out of company’s data. With ad hoc reporting users can interactively explore data from different sources and get answers to specific questions not answered by reports or dashboards.

2. Manual reporting is better than BI: In manual reporting, every manager will put forth the numbers that suits their territory if departmental managers generate reports. If IT Team generates manual report, then they may not have expertise or knowledge to pull key KPIs. In manual reporting reports are at the whim of who creates the report, higher management will not have a consistent view of what is going on in the organization. Management may not get drill down view along with high level numbers and data. In case of BI reporting, management does not have to rely on someone else to organize all the data. They will always have all the reports and information on their screen any time they need.

3. Implementation Takes a Long Period of Time : Business intelligence on ground up projects, can have a long implementation cycle - that’s where companies need to look at packaged applications. Packaged applications, like Advanz101's solutions, have built-in functionality for pharma and retail sectors. The functionality and key metrics are already baked in the solution - this reduces analysis and implementation effort hence reducing the cycle time.

4. BI is too Costly: For most solutions in the market, if you add hardware cost, development cost and license cost; overall costs can be high, but with Advanz101 that’s not the case. We take a different approach - we do not charge perpetual license fee, take minimal implementation time, and offer flexibility in deployment (cloud and in-house) - which ensures cost effective solutions. Companies should also look at Return on Investment from BI deployment. ROI from BI can be in the form of increased revenue, profit enhancement, decreased cost, and cost avoidance.

5. The Most Popular BI Tool is the Right for My Organization : In BI one size does not fit all. The hype around popular solutions does not necessarily translate to be the best for your needs. BI solutions should be evaluated to see if they will address your specific requirements, along with compatibility and scalability. Organization might set itself for failure if only popular vendors are looked at.

6. Business intelligence is not a priority: Companies always have burning issues and other top priorities - idea of long, costly implementation is painful. But as stated above, BI solution does not need to be long or costly. Having good BI reporting should be company’s number 1 priority. Proper reporting will give company’s visibility into the business like they never had before. BI can help in fixing problems, find areas of improvement, uncover what is working for the company (to replicate elsewhere), free resources from manual reporting, give timely information to help make key decisions.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Advanz101's Sales Force Automation

Advanz101 System’s Sales Force Automation helps field force to update field activities like Call Reports, Tour Program, Stock Statements, CRM Activities, and Expenses etc. on real time basis. This enables a seamless connectivity between field and Corporate Head quarters. With sales force automation Field force also gets relevant information to improve their operational efficiency.

Components of SFA: Advanz101's SFA software consists of the following functionalities within the tool:

  • 1) Daily Sales Report (DSR): The DSR provides a quick way for collecting information about daily activities of field sales force through mobile and web interface. Details like Retailer visit/Stockist visits/Product detailing/gifts given/ POB details, etc. can be added with easy clicks.
  • 2) Tour Program (TP): The Tour Program module enables the field staff to plan station wise visits in the whole month in advance. Sales agents can map different stations and plan a tour using this intuitive and user friendly module. Seniors in the team can also plan joint working with the field sales team.
  • 3) Stock and Sales Statement (SSS): The sales staff can use this feature to record secondary sales only by entering closing stock of stockist. It also helps in proactive stock replenishment at stockist / distributor end.
  • 4) Expense Calculation: The tedious task of calculating expense for every field staff is taken care by this module. Distances and miscellaneous expenses can be auto-recorded as per the Standard Distance Chart predetermined by the Sales Admin. The review and approval of expenses is thus made easy for the Sales Admin.
  • 5) CRM / Merchandise Tracking: This module can record vital CRM related information like special gifts/promotion done for a specific retailer and their commitments against the same. This module can effectively track merchandising activities of your own company as well as of the competitors.
  • 6) Customized Alerts: System Generated alerts keep the various management levels updated with the latest information as and when they happen. Based on the data available in data warehouses and transactional systems like Oracle, Siebel, SAP etc. focused alerts are delivered with actionable information for measurable KPIs. These alerts can be received on a daily basis on Mobile SFA or Emails, making them easier to access.
  • 7) Importance of Alerts: Targeted Information – In the sea of data that resides in the SFA, it require efforts to find actionable info on different KPI’s. For such scenarios, customized alerts save the day by providing targeted actionable information. The alerts sent are user oriented as per his territory of work.
  • 8) Time-Saving: Provides the exact information on demand, hence eliminating the need to access SFA and browsing through the whole data.
  • 9) Reduced Dependency on Human Capital: The dependency on human capital is eliminated as the alerts are system generated and not impacted by availability of training resources, employee turnover etc.
  • 10) Mobile Application: The mobile application provides all the functionalities to the field staff and management on their fingertips. This makes reporting and data availability handy. Easy, step-wise interface makes the app a productive tool in daily official activities. Users are able to upload activities from the field using mobile, which save their lot of time and improves efficiency. This app can be used to submit a daily sales report (DSR), edit a DSR, CRM/ Merchandise tracking, check alerts, and review real time data including other things.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

SugarCRM Integration with Any Billing Software

SugarCRM, customerrelationship management (CRM) platform, is a well-known leader in open source CRM and is used to manage leads, sales opportunities and build stronger customer relationships which results in higher conversion rates in sales. In any sales organization – Insides sales, Field sales and Account management teams are the biggest users of CRM. Customer service (support team) is another team which uses CRM application extensively.

Sales teams use CRM to build new account relationship - by maintaining customer information, creating targeted campaigns, identifying leads generated from campaign, different stages in opportunities,  different interactions with customer etc- all this helps in finding existing and future needs of the customer. CRM can be used by sales team to forecast revenues and predict customer expectations as well as buying behavior.

Customer service representatives (CSRs) use CRM extensively to capture the call details, resolution of issues and improve the customer satisfaction.  All the calls(phone or email) and interactions with the customer can be recorded inCRM. Looking at past, interactions are in most cases useful in resolving customer’s current issue. CRM can be used as a ticketing system where issue raised by client becomes a ticket which gets assigned to a service rep. CRM workflows can assign ticket intelligently to the service rep based on skill set and availability. A CRM is useful to CSRs as they can not only see historical interactions with the customer but can also find out which service rep worked with the customer previously and how issues were resolved. CSRs and Sales reps CRM can help in up-sell and cross-sell of the product offerings.

SugarCRM should be set up in such a way that it is utilized for day-to-day operations. This will be possible if customer eccentric data from different functions like billing, transportation, distribution is gathered and displayed in CRM. It will make CRM much more effective and also enable companies to utilize the full extent of CRM.  The information collected from other systems is invaluable to both sale steams and service representatives. This data can assist sales team from moving leads through the sales process - building proposals,facilitate order booking and improve collections. This can also help in developing targeted campaigns and getting detailed picture of your customers.

One of the prominent integration points with SugarCRM is any billing software. Billing system has details about the invoices, receipts and customer returns. This assists sales teams to ensure they are meeting their targets in terms of collections. CSRs use this information to attend to customer queries. Having the billing system details in CRMwill provide a single integrated view for CSRs and Sales reps for e.g.CRM can get key invoice information e.g. invoice amount, last invoice,invoice status, discounts offered on the last order from billing systems and sales reps can use this information to complete their sale.

SugarCRM and Billing systems can be integrated in a way that sales report service rep may not have to log in to two different applications to get the details. We can also ensure that the data in both SugarCRM and Billing is in sync at all times and users of both applications will see the current information.
Integration's like this can enhance CRM tools functionality exponentially and make sales and service teams operate efficiently.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Advantages of Business Intelligence

A good business intelligence tool can collect data from different sources, combine the relevant information, and present it to the management. Reports coming out of CRM, ERP, SFA, or a point of sale tool is not enterprise business intelligence, sure there can be some intelligence built into reporting, but these reports work in silos and reports are incomplete. For management, to make decision they need all the information consolidated in front of them. For making a good informed decision - data may come from various different sources CRM, ERP, POS, SFA, etc. This is where enterprise business intelligence comes into play.

The main advantages of business intelligence are:

• Creates intelligence out of available data.
  • Looking at transactional data may not reveal much, there may be so much information in the data and business intelligence is the tool to pull all this information out. Data can tell you about the health of business, information about specific products, sales in territory, employees' performance, campaign effectiveness - possibilities are limitless.
  • Provides insight into current operations: Business intelligence can be very effectively used to manage company operations, e.g. looking at reports filled by field sales staff from different territories, analysis can be done on specific sales representative.
  • Helps in making easier and faster decision by providing various perspectives: Rather than looking for information and waiting for days to get all the facts, with Business Intelligence, all the pertinent information will be available to decision makers on their finger tips.
  • Works on historic records: All the historical records stored in the company's files are rarely looked at - Business Intelligence can churn out important information from past records - e.g. when did a company default on its payments or how did products sale do three years back when it rained as heavy as projected to rain this year.
  • Provides trend analysis: Business intelligence can look at all the historical records and can provide trend analysis, which can be a very important tool to look at the direction of the company.
  • Can pull data from discrete sources of data: Business intelligence can pull data from different sources and present it to the user in unified way.
  • Summarization, slicing & dicing, interactive dashboards with drill down, navigation and graphical presentations: This is another great advantage of business intelligence - rather than looking at all the transactions and only sums/totals. In business intelligence, user can start at a dashboard which can give summarization of key KPIs and from there user can slice & dice into which ever detail they are interested in. Here the information can also be presented in nice graphical form which can convey its meaning at first glance e.g. small things like this month's negative sales as compared to last year this month can be highlighted in red.
  • Reporting does not impact performance of transactional system: Business intelligence reports does not have any negative impact on transactional systems (like ERP, SFA, CRM) performance. This system works separate from transactional systems.
  • CRM/ERP not a must - can work on CONVENTIONAL data: Business intelligence can get information from any custom conventional data sources as well. It does not necessarily need enterprise application like ERP, CRM or SFA.